Name: Measurement Bench

Site: Bologna

Responsible: Gianni Pasolini

Partner: None

Description: The measurement bench is a relevant infrastructure for the characterization of telecommunications systems as well as for experimental activities concerning research topics. It is the result of the tight cooperation between CNIT, the National Research Council (CNR), and the University of Bologna, which jointly contribute to its maintenance. The experimental activities carried out within the lab mainly concern digital video over wireless, ICT for intelligent transportation systems and smart cities, Internet of Things as well as FPGA and DSP for communications. The lab is equipped with valuable instruments for the experimental characterization of communication systems, such as (just to mention the most significant ones):

  • Anritsu MG3700A Vector Signal Generator, 250 KHz - 3 GHz
  • LeCroy WavePro 7100 Oscilloscope 1 GHz;
  • Rohde & Schwartz FSEK30 Spectrum Analyzer, 20Hz-40GHz
  • Rohde&Schwarz ETL TV analyzer, for digital television analysis (DVB-T e DVB-T2);
  • Agilent E5071C Network Analyzer (9KHz – 8.5GHz), for circuit characterization;
  • Tektronix TLA5204B Logic State Analyzer, for digital systems analysis.

Access: Access is subject to the authorization of the lab responsible.